Accepted Into The Next Phase Of Grow With Google Scholarship
After completing the Android Development Intermediate course through the Grow with google Developer Scholarship, I am excited that I was accepted to the next round!
To be honest, their Intermediate Android Development course was not my favorite. I believe it was already a free course offered by them anyway, with no concrete implementations of peer or staff reviews of your work and that is why it didn’t seem as great as another scholarship course I was taking at the same time. However, I am noticing that this nano-degree course looks much better and I have already completed the first assignment. In the nano degree program you actually submit projects for code review which I think is extremely great. I received my first code review very fast after submitting, as well!
I am very excited for this course. I am currently keeping myself really busy with other projects and learning paths as well, but I am hoping be able to finish this 6 month course in a few week binge at some point!