Android Development Nanodegree Program Completion

Graduation I am excited to announce that I have recently completed the Android Development Nanodegree through Udacity! There were many months and many hours spent learning and completing the projects required for graduating with this degree. The opportunity of enrolling in this program at no cost to me was provided through the Grow with Google…
10 Things Ryan Dahl Regrets About Node.js (Video)

The creator of Node.js shares his thoughts about decisions made in the development of the popular JavaScript runtime.
Helpful Git Commands

I have put together a Gist with a helpful quick reference to common Git commands, as well as some less known but extremely useful ones.
PHP in 2018 (Video)

The creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf, talks about his original intentions for the scripting language and the substantial improvements that have been made since version 7.0.
Stack Overflow Is Full Of Elitist Jerks?

Stack overflow posted on their blog yesterday, “Stack Overflow isn’t very welcoming. It’s time for that to change.”
Accepted Into The Next Phase Of Grow With Google Scholarship

After completing the Android Development Intermediate course through the Grow with google Developer Scholarship, I am excited that I was accepted to the next round!
Completion Of The Google IT Support Professional Certificate And My Opinion Of The Online Courses

I recently completed the Google IT Support Professional Specialization certificate through Coursera. I was very happy to receive a scholarship for this and it was a great all around course.